An integrated platform for fleet management to increase driver safety, efficiency, & compliance.

Make day-to-day tasks easy for drivers with an all-in-one Driver App - complete with HOS logging, DVIRs, routing, messaging, documents, and more - available for Android and iOS. Using industry-leading AI Dash Cams, Samsara automatically captures high-definition video and sends footage of important incidents to the cloud for review within minutes. We give you real-time visibility to protect your drivers and business in the moments that matter. Samsara’s customers include the world’s largest organizations across construction, transportation and warehousing, field services, manufacturing, retail, logistics, and public sector.

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    Ready To Learn More?

    Schedule time to talk with our experts about your needs. You will see the CrownSource eCommerce Marketplace and Procure-to-Pay Technology system in action, and discover how we can help you save more money on the products and services you purchase every day.

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